Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Gabe-Braham Lincoln

One of my favorite shows on television is The Office. The show is a hilarious mockumentary on the everyday life of a Scranton, PA branch of Dunder-Mifflin Paper Co. Two weeks ago, the show did a story where the whole office goes to Gettysburg to boost company moral. At Gettysburg, one of the cast members, Gabe, gets confused as an Abraham Lincoln impersonator due to his overall height and awkward stature.
What could be more perfect for my final blog post?: my favorite show and President in one. Enjoy!

Gabe-Braham Lincoln

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Lincoln Family Tree

Thomas Lincoln
Nancy Hanks Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
Mary Todd Lincoln
Sarah Lincoln Grigsby
Aaron Grigsby
Robert Todd Lincoln
Mary Eunice Harlan
Edward Baker Lincoln
William Wallace Lincoln
Thomas "Tad" Lincoln
Mary "Mamie" Lincoln
Charles Bradford Isham
Abraham Lincoln II
Jessie Harlan Lincoln
Warren Wallace Beckwith
Lincoln Isham
Leahalma "Lea" Correa
Mary Lincoln Beckwith
Robert Todd Lincoln Beckwith
Anna Marie Hoffman
Timothy Lincoln

“And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.”

-Abraham Lincoln